"The moving power of mathematical invention is not reasoning, but imagination." -- (Augustus De Morgan, 1806-1871) Numbers have interesting historical backgrounds, and there are many interesting stories behind just about any counting number. Here are just a few very brief tidbits relating to numbers. (Some research will yield many interesting stories.) 1: This is the "unity" number, which serves as a base for all others. The concept of 1 is extremely important in the monotheistic religions of the world, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. 2. Regarded as a number representing many human characteristics (eg. male, female) and natural phenomena. It is the basis for the binary system and is the only even prime number. Interestingly, the number 2 also has many negative interpretations. Consider phrases like two-faced and double tongued. 3. Important in many religions (eg. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) and directly associated with the triangle, which appears in many guises as a mystical symbol. Religions that put an emphasis on 3 include Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. 4. Very common in the natural world (eg. north, south, east, west). The ancient Greeks saw "fourness" in things, such as the four basic elements of existence...earth, air, fire, water. Many North American Indians, including the Dakota, Sioux, and Zuni, put special emphasis on the number 4. | When Herkimer was a pilot who was moonlighting as a male stripper, why was he arrested at the airport? ![]() Answer: He attempted a takeoff on the runway. Herky's friends: CRYSTAL BALL...she made her living as a fortune teller. AL E. GATOR...he studied water-dwelling reptiles. |
ASSIGNMENT #58 Reading: Review Chapter 9, as necessary. Exercises: Test 9A (handout in class). |
You are working with concepts from Chapter9.
An understandingof the concepts and problems in Chapter 9 isextremely important. Don't get sloppy in your thinking at this stageof the game.
The Practice of Statistics, by Yates, Moore, McCabe. New York,W.H. Freeman and Company, 1999. (A 0-7167-3370-6)
Supplemental books:
The Cartoon Guide to Statistics, by Gonick and Smith. NewYork, HarperCollins Publishers, 1993. (ISBN 0-06-273102-5)
How to Lie with Statistics, by Darrell Huff. New York, W.W.Norton & Company, 1982 (ISBN 0-393-09426-X)